Monday, 31 July 2017

Samsung Placement Tips

Samsung Placement Tips

Image result for samsung india wiki

Founder: Lee Byung-chul
Headquarters: Seoul, South Korea
Area served: Worldwide
Key people: Lee Kun-hee (Chairman)
Lee Jae-yong (Vice-Chairman)
Products:  Apparel, chemicals, consumer electronics, electronic components,
 medical equipment, semiconductors, solid state drives, DRAM, ships,
telecommunications equipment, home appliances
Services: Advertising, construction, entertainment, financial services,
hospitality, information and communications technology,
medical and health care services, retail, shipbuilding

About Samsung

Samsung Group is a South Korean multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Samsung Town, Seoul.

It comprises numerous subsidiaries and affiliated businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand and it is the largest South Korean conglomerate.

Samsung was founded by Lee Byung-chul in 1938 as a trading company.

 Over the next three decades, the group diversified into areas including food processing, textiles, insurance, securities and retail.

 Samsung entered the electronics industry in the late 1960s and the construction and shipbuilding industries in the mid-1970s; these areas would drive its subsequent growth. 

The Samsung-Test-Pattern and Selection-Procedure is as follows:

Selection Process:

The company conducts recruitment process every year to select new candidates. The selection process of the company consists of 4 rounds.\

These rounds are as follows:

Global Samsung Aptitude Test
Technical Test
Technical Interview
HR Interview

Academic Criteria:

Candidate must be a B.Tech (Computer Science/ IT / Electronics).
70 percent throughout (Class X , XII and Graduation).
No backlogs at the time of applying.

Pattern of Written Exam:

Global Samsung Aptitude Test

Part 1 (DI & Basic Quant): 30 Number of Questions
Part 2 (Logical Reasoning): 20 Number of Questions
Total:  50 Number of Questions

Time allotted for the written exam is 50 minutes for 50 questions.

Technical Test

No. Questions Technical: 30
Time Limit: 30 mins

In total time allotted for the written exam is 80 minutes for 80 questions.

DI & Aptitude section consists of 20 questions from Data Interpretation and 5 questions from basic level numeracy. This section is of moderate level.

Logical Reasoning section consists of questions from Blood Relations, Direction problems, Seating Arrangement etc. The level of the section is easy to moderate.

Technical section consists of questions from topics based on C, C++, Data Structures and Operating System. This section is of moderate level.

Overall the level of the paper is easy to moderate. Only those candidates who clear the written exam will qualify for the next round.

NOTE: From Last year on words there is no MCQ questions in technical Section. Its a 3 hours coding where u need to do the implementation of 2-4 Questions.

                                        INTERVIEW EXPERIENCE
Test  Technical Interview  Technical Interview  Technical Interview  HR Interview.

Round 1: Test
Duration : 3 Hours
No. of Questions: 1 questions
Experience: It was an online coding test on the platform provided by Samsung only. The difficulty level was advance.
 Round 2: Technical Interview

Interview Experience: It was a technical interview which covered all the topics related to data structure and algorithms.

Round 3: Technical Interview

Interview Questions
Question 1:
Interview Experience: It was a technical interview which covered all topics related to subjects like is, DBMS, c++,etc

Round 4: Technical Interview

Interview ExperienceIt was a technical interview in which interviewer asked about the projects done.

Round 5: HR Interview

Interview ExperienceThe basic intro,questions related to Samsung and why do u want to join Samsung.

*The Company reserves the right to make changes in the written exam.

Jay Jagannath Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhaba Tume Bhaba Tume ...    

Mr. Tribikram Pradhan
Research Scholar, Dept. of CSE
Indian Institute of Technology, (BHU), Varanasi

Citrix Placement Tips and Interview Experience

Citrix Placement Tips
Image result for citrix logo

Founded: 1989
Founder: Ed Iacobucci
Headquarters: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
Area served: Global
Key people: Robert Calderoni (Chairman)
David Henshall (CEO)
Products: Application Delivery Industry, Virtualization software (DaaS),
 SaaS, cloud, and networking

About Citrix
Citrix Systems, Inc. is an American multinational software company that provides server, application and desktop virtualization, networking, software as a service (SaaS), and cloud computing technologies. 
It was founded in Richardson, Texas in 1989 by Ed Iacobucci, who served as chairman until his departure in 2000.
The company began by developing remote access products for Microsoft operating systems. It licensed source code from Microsoft and has been in partnership with the company throughout its history. 
Citrix came to prominence in the 1990s as a leader in thin clienttechnology, purpose built for accessing remote servers. 
Round I
Section 1:

There was a 1 hr aptitude test & 1 hour coding round.

The aptitude test had simple questions on c/cpp, Networking, OS etc. and some general quant aptitude questions.

The coding round had 2/3 questions to be done in 1 hour.

Section 2:

Q1: A matrix of 1s & 0s are given, you have to find no of groups of adjacent 1s. Adjacency was based on 8-connectedness. (Finding no of components in an undirected graph)

Q2: A number is given and you had to translate it to string form (Indian system – lakhs, crores etc. not millions, billions etc) .

The word “and” had to be added at the appropriate place (after 100s place if there was a digit in 10s or 1s place).

101 => one hundred and one
2311 => two thousand three hundred and eleven
900020 => nine lakh and twenty
35 => thirty five
3 => three

Q1. Given a number, you need to check whether any permutation of the number is divisible by 8 or not. Print Yes or No accordingly.

Eg.- I/P- 46. O/P- Yes. Since 64 is divisible by 8.
I/P- 345. O/P- No. Since neither of 345,354,435,453,534,543 is divisible by 8.

Q2. Given a matrix of 1s and 0s, rewrite the matrix such that it consists of distance matrix from the original positions of 1s.

Eg.- I/P: 0001
      O/P: 2110

3 coding question on basic data structures and algorithms. Use of STL wasn’t allowed.

1.         Print a ‘Y’ shaped pattern from asterisks in n number of lines.
2.         Level-order traversal of k-ary tree. Print all levels line by line.
3.         Implement an LRU cache. (Prototypes were there to implement).

Round 2 (Technical Interview: 45 mins)
The interviewer asked me to introduce myself and help him run through my resume. He then asked me if I liked coding which I answered in affirmative. He then asked me to code the following questions:
Q1. Given a n*n matrix, print the matrix in spiral form. 
Q2. Given a binary tree, print the tree in spiral form. 
Q3. Given a 2d array, print the maximum contiguous sum. 
He asked me to dry run the codes and made sure that it all worked efficiently. Once he was satisfied with the codes, he shifted to Operating Systems.
What is a deadlock? How can you make sure that deadlock doesn’t occur? What is Banker’s algorithm? What is Reader-Writer problem?
He also asked me a couple of questions from Networking which I can’t recall.
Round 3 (Technical Interview: 40-45 mins)
The interview began very casually with the interviewer asking me to tell him some special attractions about my hometown. After which, he moved to more important parts of my resume.
He asked me about my internships and also asked some questions related to that. Following which he asked me to briefly explain the academic project I had undertaken in my course.
He then asked me to code the following question: Given 2 arrays of fixed size 8 and 4 consisting of 4 integers each in the sorted order, merge the 2 arrays without using any extra memory. Initially I solved this question by starting from the front and shifting the elements accordingly. The interviewer then asked me to improve the complexity and even suggested to start from the back. I managed to solve it almost immediately once I got the hint.
He then shifted his attention to OS and Networking. What is TCP Three-Way Handshake? What happens when you enter a website on your browser(DNS Server)? What do you mean by synchronization? How do you overcome a deadlock state?
Round 4 (HR Interview 20-25 mins)
The interviewer quickly ran through my results until this round and gave me a nice smile and said I had been doing good so far.
He began with the usual question, “Tell me about yourself?”
He then asked me why there was a drop in my CGPA from the 5th to the 6th semester. I had been dreading this question but managed to get past it.
He then asked me where I saw myself in the next 5 years. He then asked me if I had any plans of any Masters degree.
MCQs are equally important as the coding questions. There are students who managed to qualify without solving any coding question while people who had solved 1 question lost out. 
They don’t always look for the correct answer but look for the approach and how does one think when given a challenge. 
Make sure to be thorough with your CV,especially projects and internship. Don’t write anything that you are not confident about, it leaves a bad impression if you aren’t able to answer questions related to it.
Interviewers are really friendly and make sure that you are comfortable.

I was interviewed on-campus at IIT Guwahati for Software test engineer role at Citrix.

Interview Process

Round 1

Test Duration: 90 Minutes
No. of Questions: 30 questions

Test Sections

Section 1: Programming
Section 2: Multiple Choice Questions


There were two coding problems of moderate level difficulty and many multiple choice questions from various subjects of computer science (Operating Systems, Networks, Data structure and Algorithms). 

Also there were some good puzzles and aptitude questions.


1. For coding : Practice on LeetCode (
2. For MCQs : Knowledge of operating system and other courses is required
3. Puzzles : Practice puzzles and some tricky aptitude questions

Round 2

Question 1: C++/C/Data Structure/Algorithm Related Questions
Question 2: Difference b/w char *str=
Question 3: Efficient Algorithm for checking prime number
Question 4: Puzzles :
Question 5: Questions on Linked List/Stack
Question 6: Operator Overloading
Question 7: Object Oriented Programming : Describe everything you know about OOP? (Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inheritance etc.)
Question 8: What do you understand by Software Testing?
Question 9: No. of zeros in 100!
Question 10: How to swap two numbers without using auxiliary storage? (Explained using XOR logic)
Question 11: Given a pen, how would you test it? (Around 20 points were discussed)
Question 12:

Interview Experience

I had total 4 technical interviews and I have added questions for all of them above. Mainly the interviewers were friendly and were helping me thinking through problems. They really wanted to check the confidence of the candidate and were grilling me on some questions.

Interview Tips

1. Study Data Structure and Algorithms (Cormen, GeeksforGeeks)
2. Study OOP and concepts of CPP (Schildt)
3. Solve good no. of puzzles
4. Have a look at typical HR questions

Round 3

Interview Questions
Question 1: Why do you want to work for Citrix?
Question 2: Which other companies did you apply for and which interview did you have today?
Question 3: Why should we hire you?
Question 4: Were you expecting a better JEE rank?
Question 5: Are you okay with relocating to other cities?
Question 6: Are you aware of salaries and other benefits we are offering? Are you okay with it?

Interview Experience

This was a quick discussion with company HR.

Interview Tips

Have a look at typical HR questions and be confident

Skills Tested

Analytical Thinking
Computer Science Fundamentals

Jay Jagannath Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhaba Tume Bhaba Tume ...    

Mr. Tribikram Pradhan
Research Scholar, Dept. of CSE
Indian Institute of Technology, (BHU), Varanasi

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Myntra Placement Tips

Related imageMynta Placement Tips

About Myntra

Myntra is an e-commerce company started by an IIT/IIM group in 2007, headquartered in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Founded in 2007, it is the largest online store for fashion and lifestyle products.

In May 2014, the company merged with Flipkart.

The Myntra Test-Pattern and Selection Process are as follows:

Selection Process:

Company conducts recruitment process every year to select new candidates. The selection process of the company consists of 4 rounds.

These rounds are as follows:

Written Exam
Technical Interview I
Technical Interview II
HR Interview

Academic Criteria:

Should be having 65% or above in graduation and 75% and above in X and XII.

Pattern of Written Exam:

Sections                       No. of questions               
Aptitude                                  5                                    
Coding                                    2
Total                                        7

Time allotted for the written exam is 90 minutes.

Aptitude consists of questions from the topics like algebra, time & work, time, speed & distance, arithmetic, percentages, profit & loss, geometry, etc. This section is of moderate level.

Coding section consists of questions from the topics like C language, Java, Data Structure.
Overall the level of the paper is easy to moderate. Only those candidates who clear the written exam will qualify for the next round.

*The Company reserves the right to make changes in the written exam.

  (A CSE student with profile as 8.47 CGPA (Offering summer internship)

Technical Interview I:

Given a linked list, reverse K nodes in it.
Search for an element in an array which has elements who’s values are first increasing and then decreasing. (Use modified binary search)
Find the second largest element in an array.
Given a sorted array which can have repeated elements, find the occurrence of an element. (Most optimal solution is O(log n) – Using binary search to find start and end occurrence)
Make a data structure and implement an algorithm to print all the files in a directory. (The root directory can have sub-directories too.)

Technical interview II:

Convert a BST into a DLL and DLL to BST in place.
Write a code to generate a series where the next element is the sum of last k terms.
Vertical traversal of a Binary Tree.
Lowest Common ancestor in a Binary Search Tree and Binary Tree.
Implement a stack with push (), pop() and min() in O(1) time.

HR Interview:

Why should we hire you?
Tell us your weaknesses that hinder your work? How will you overcome them if we hire you?
Are you comfortable with changing cities for the job?
Tell me about all your projects and internship you did while? How did you get them?

What makes the company different from other firms?

Jay Jagannath Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhaba Tume Bhaba Tume ...    

Mr. Tribikram Pradhan
Research Scholar, Dept. of CSE
Indian Institute of Technology, (BHU), Varanasi