What are
the best websites to prepare for placements?
The interviews conducted are generally specific to particular domains. While they either can be technical or non-technical, interviews designed for software engineers revolve around coding and lie under the technical umbrella.
In this post, I will be discussing which is better for you? Here mentioned few top searched sites for Placement Preparation:
1. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/
2. https://leetcode.com/
3. https://www.codingninjas.com/v2
4. https://www.codechef.com/
5. https://www.hackerearth.com/
6. https://www.hackerrank.com/
7. https://www.techiedelight.com/
8. https://codingblocks.com/
9. https://www.expertsglobal.com/
10. https://www.includehelp.com/
11. https://edyst.com/
12. https://talentbattle.in/
13. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/index.htm
14. https://prepinsta.com/
15. https://www.prepbytes.com/
16. https://engineering.eckovation.com/
17. http://www.geekinterview.com/
18. https://www.myamcat.com/
19. https://puzzlefry.com/
20. https://www.studytonight.com/
21. http://www.indiabix.com/te…/interview-questions-and-answers/
22. http://mygeekmonkey.com/cognizant/aptitude-2.html
23. https://www.spoj.com/
24. https://www.ambitionbox.com/
25. https://www.careerride.com/
26. http://placement.freshersworld.com/
27. http://freshersplane.com/category/interview-questions/
28. http://www.placementexpress.com/#
29. http://www.ittestpapers.com/1/cat_…/24-placement-papers.html
30. http://www.careersvalley.com/solved-placement-papers
31. http://www.chetanasinterview.com/
32. http://beginner-sql-tutorial.com/oracle-functions.htm
33. http://www.careercup.com/
34. http://www.cplusplus.com/
35. http://www.plsql-tutorial.com/plsql-exception-handling.htm
36. www.crackingthecodinginterview.com
37. http://www.ittestpapers.com/1/cat_…/24-placement-papers.html
38. http://skillgun.com/java/interview-questions-and-answers
39. http://www.m4maths.com/placement-puzzles.php?SOURCE=tcs
40. http://placement.freshersworld.com/placement-pape…/…/TCS/680
41. http://durgajobs.com/placementpapers.html
42. https://codeforces.com/
Mentioned below few exams which one can opt to get placed in
good companies:
· CoCubes:
you are looking for a core Job then CoCubes will help you in this. It is one of
the best platform for Graduate and Undergraduate placement. CoCubes shares a
partnership with more than 500+ companies.
· eLitmus: This
is a platform that will help you get placed in your dream company with a higher package. More than 50,000 freshers get placed via the eLitmus test.
is one of the best Employability Tests for graduate or undergraduate
Swami Nayana Patha Gami Bhaba Tume
Dr. Tribikram Pradhan
Assistant Professor
Dept. of ICT, MIT
Manipal Academy of
Higher Education, Manipal
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